Sunday, June 25, 2006

Wahaha... I am supposed to be working right now but here I am again... Blogging in a lan shop... Haahax... So stupid...

I've been tagged by Heidi (my godmeimei)...

- do the following without complains.
- choose 5 people to do this after you have completed yours.
- leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she has been tagged.
- start your post by 'i have been tagged' then do this.

your 10 favourites:
favourite colours: bLaCk, wHiTe, rEd, pUrpLe, PiNk, gReEn, bRiGht oRaNgE
favourite foods: pRaTa, iTaLiaN fOoD, cOfFeE, cHeEsE caKe
favourite songs: tOo mAnY tO nAmE
favourite movies: tOo mAnY tO nAmE
favourite sports: sWiMmiNg, cYcLiNg
favourite season: wiNtEr
favourite day of the week: fRiDaE
favourite ice cream flavour: MiNt cHiP
favourite countries: (sEcrET)
favourite things: my bEd, my hAndpHoNe, my eArPhOnE

your 9 currents:
current mood: mOoDLeSs >_<

current clothes: pURpLe LaDy V-nEcK TeE aNd BLaCk PaNtS
current desktop: ?huh?
current toe nails: bLaCk
current time: 1pm sHaRp
current annoyance: nOiSe
current thought: i wAnt mY bEd
current song: nOiSe fRoM tHe dOtA gAme ppL aRoUnd mE aRe pLaYiNg
current chatter: ppL aRoUnd mE taLkIng tO eAcH oThEr

your 8 first:
first best friend: aNgeLa
first crush: LyE pOh?
first movie: i DuN sEeM tO rEmEmBeR
first piercing: pRiMaRy 3
first lie: dUn ReM
first music: aRe yOu cRazY? hOw wOuLd I rEm?
first car: I cAn'T dRiVe
first cry: 11st NoVeMbEr 1989

your 7 lasts:
last cigarette: I dUn sMoKe kx
last drink: miLk
last car ride: LaSt niGht iN a TaXi
last crush: WPL
last movie seen: X-MEN
last phone call: tHiS mOrNiNg
last CD played: LuSt

your 6 have you evers:
have you ever date one of your bestfriends: yUp
have you ever broken the laws: yEaH
have you ever been arrested: nOpEs
have you ever been on TV: nAh
have you ever kiss some one that u don't know: heLL nO!

5 things that you are wearing:
1. teE
2. pAntS
3. wAtCh
4. cOntAct LenSeS
5. riNg

4 things you had done today:
1. bRuSh mY teEtH
2. wAsH mY fAcE
3. bAtHe
4. aTe bReakFaSt

3 things you hear right now:
1. ppL pLaYiNg dOtA
2. mY gOdbRoTheR taLkiNg
3. ppL sHoUtiNg

2 things you can't leave without:
1. mY bEd
2. my fRiEnDs

1 thing you do when you are bored:
1. sLeEp

1. mIn Ru
2. PuI yOke
3. aMaNdA
4. Li MiN
5. pEi ZhEn

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