Friday, April 06, 2012

When I'm hurt...

I scrutinize everything and I become hell sarcastic...

[KTV]A-Lin - 今晚你想念的人是不是我

ALin-愛請問怎麼走 KTV

Shit always happens all at one go...

And how ironic that everyone is talking about "THE VOW" movie on facebook now... when the I just realised how far apart I am from the person I wish to take the vow with...

Thursday, April 05, 2012




io樂團 - 瑕疵


小時候 爸媽 你看著我
你們對著我訴說 我將來的成就
有一天你會發現 你的孩子不完美
有很多的話想對你說 只是我們的頻率不同

就原諒我吧 是我的平凡 讓你們感到遺憾
就饒了我吧 原諒我平凡 你就放過我好嗎

你說我 這樣 沒有出頭天
因為我做的一切 只是浪費時間
Oh 所有 我的夢想
你們都覺得無聊 全都不切實際
有很多的話想對你說 只是我們的頻率不同

你渴望這一切 我會盡力實現
將未來這世界 無懼的面對
路就算很迂迴 我決不後退
但有天我崩潰 背後又會有誰
我要求的不多 只要一句讚美

就原諒我 爸 是我的平凡 讓你們感到遺憾
就饒了我 爸 原諒我平凡 就放過我吧~就放過我
你就放過我好嗎 我只是太平凡....

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

田馥甄 - My Love (HD官方版MV)

Great song...

Random feelings...

I don't know where these random emotions are coming from... I'm feeling angry, insecure, lost, unsure, panicky, irritated, all at the same time....
I which I could tell myself it's early menopause... but it's kind of impossible at the age of 23 :(

It's so near my exams and yet I'm feeling like crap with a whole lot of unneeded emotions... What would my future be like? What do I want? How do I proceed so that I can reach the future I want? Will he be the one that marries me? Will he want me to be his partner till the end? What career am I looking for? Should I get a HBD soon? When should I get engaged? All sorts of qns keep bugging my mind... I wish I could just concentrate on my exams right now... I know I have to do things a step at a time and now the step I should take is just concentrate on exams.

But... it's easier said than done...