Monday, March 20, 2006

It's now raining heavily outside... I can't help but stare out of the window... I've got the sudden urge to drench myself in this heavy rain... I have no idea why, but I just love getting drenched... It feels great to let the rain run down my whole body... It feels as if all my troubles and unhappy memories could be washed away by the rain... WPL, in this kind of weather, I really can't help thinking of you. How I wished you can be here beside me now and share your body warmth with me...

I was watching a Korean VCD serial just now... And there's this phrase that really hit me... “ Love with courage. Love like you've never been hurt before.” Yes, I am going to love like I've never been hurt before... I'm going to love WPL with everything I've got... I'm not going to fear the feeling of getting hurt... I'm going to be the confident me that I was once! So WPL, I won't give up worx...

Just now I don't know why, some words just got stucked in my head... Here it goes...

It's Not too Late, I Hope
by Pearlin Koh

It's only know that I know
How important you are to me
I was too young to understand then
I was too young to know what's love
We've broken up and gone our own way now
But I hope it's not too late

I love you
I miss you
I need you
Thinking of you day and night
The happy moments we had before
The times we spent together

Now, I can only look at you from afar
It hurts everytime I see you
But yet, I want to
I wish time could be turned back
I want to be together with you again
It's still not too late, I hope

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